The debate over post-acute pre-certs: do them in-house or let providers do them?

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In May 2023, Aidin gathered a panel of case management leaders from top healthcare organizations across the country to discuss post-acute pre–certs– how they’re managed and how to reduce delays. We compiled some insights, discussions, and learnings from the webinar as these leaders tackled discussions of:

  • How they took on managing their own pre-certs
  • The ROI of managing post-acute pre-certs internally 
  • What they're measuring
  • How they got buy-in at their organizations
  • What challenges they had to overcome when taking over pre-certs themselves
  • Lessons learned from their pre-cert evolution


Featuring insights from:

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Dani Andrade

Senior Director of Case Management, UCHealth
adria grillo peck headshot from LI

Adria Grillo-Peck

Vice President of Integrated Care Management, Indiana University Health
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Linda O’Donnell

Senior Director of Ops for Care Management & Ambulatory Services, Cleveland Clinic

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